Congratulations on your pregnancy! Embracing this beautiful journey to motherhood, you might be considering a cruise vacation as a serene getaway before your bundle of joy arrives. Planning a cruise while pregnant, though, calls for thoughtful consideration due to specific industry restrictions and advisories.

Expectant mothers need to be aware of the guidelines and considerations of various cruise lines for pregnant passengers. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with essential insights, ensuring a relaxing and enjoyable cruise experience.

So, let’s set sail together as we explore the important aspects and guidelines for soon-to-be mothers.

Is It Possible to Cruise While Pregnant?

Are you wondering, “Can I still enjoy a cruise while expecting?” The answer is a hopeful yes, but with a few considerations to keep in mind. Generally, it’s permissible for healthy pregnancies up to the second trimester. But why the caution as you approach your third trimester? Well, cruise lines are particularly cautious about the risk of pregnancy complications and the chance of preterm birth.

pregnant woman posting on a ship deck

Here’s a key point to remember: to be allowed to travel, you should be less than 24 weeks pregnant on the ending day of your cruise. This rule is pretty standard across most cruise lines. However, if you’re eyeing a leisurely river journey, you might find some river cruise lines a bit more lenient, thanks to their closer proximity to land and medical facilities.

But who makes the final call? Ultimately, the decision lies with you and your doctor. Before you pack your bags, you’ll likely need to fill out a health questionnaire or provide a doctor’s letter stating you’re fit to travel. This step is crucial – failure to comply can lead to boarding issues or even forfeiture of your cruise fare.

Here are some pregnancy policies related to cruise ticket contracts for various popular cruise lines:

  1. Carnival
  2. Celebrity Cruises
  3. Costa Cruises
  4. Disney Cruise Line
  5. MSC Cruises
  6. Norwegian Cruise Line
  7. P&O Cruises
  8. Princess Cruises
  9. Royal Caribbean
  10. Virgin Voyages

Is Cruising While Pregnant Safe?

When it comes to cruising while pregnant, safety is a top priority. The good news is if you’re experiencing a normal, healthy pregnancy, taking a cruise can be a perfectly safe and relaxing option. However, it’s important to approach this with caution.

pregnant woman in an orange coat by the docks

If you have any pregnancy complications, existing medical conditions, a history of previous premature births, or are expecting multiples, it’s a different scenario. In these cases, your doctor might advise against cruising as a precaution. The risk of complications, especially when far from specialized medical care, is a concern that can’t be overlooked. While cruise ships do have doctors and basic medical facilities, they may not be equipped to handle high-risk pregnancies or serious complications.

If you’re in any doubt about whether cruising during pregnancy is safe for you, the best course of action is to contact your doctor for advice. They know your medical history and can provide personalized guidance.

Do Cruise Lines Need to Be Informed About Pregnant Guests?

When planning a cruise during pregnancy, one crucial step is informing the cruise line about your condition. Most cruise lines require a doctor’s letter that not only states your estimated due date but also confirms that you are fit to travel. This documentation serves as a green light, assuring the cruise staff of your well-being during the journey.

In some cases, cruise lines might ask for additional details like the estimated fetal gestational age or a medical certificate establishing that your pregnancy is low-risk. These extra measures are in place to ensure the safety and comfort of pregnant guests while at sea.

smiling pregnant woman in a hat

Interestingly, you might not always be asked to present this letter upfront, especially if your pregnancy isn’t visibly noticeable. However, it’s always better to be prepared. Having this documentation on hand can smooth out the boarding process and avoid any potential misunderstandings.

Another critical aspect is your travel insurance. It’s paramount to inform your travel insurance company about your pregnancy. Why? Because failing to do so might invalidate your policy.

Ensuring that your pregnancy is covered under your travel insurance is essential for peace of mind. After all, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when you’re expecting and away from home.

Can You Cancel a Cruise if You Fall Pregnant?

Booking a cruise is often done months, if not years, in advance. But life happens, and falling pregnant between booking and your scheduled sailing date is a possibility. So, what happens if you find yourself in this happy yet tricky situation?

If you realize that you’ll be too far along in your pregnancy to safely cruise, or you’ll have a newborn by the time of your cruise, the first step is to contact your cruise line or travel agent. Explain your situation. In many cases, the cruise line may offer you the flexibility to reschedule your trip to a later date.

Alternatively, they might issue a Future Cruise Credit voucher. This credit can be used for booking another cruise with the same line at a future date.

pregnant woman in a white bikini

When it comes to cancellation policies, timing is key. Cancelling your cruise before the final payment is generally easier and might come with fewer penalties. However, it’s important to note that pregnancy, in most cases, doesn’t qualify for a full refund. This is where having travel insurance can be a lifesaver, offering you protection and more options.

Here’s a crucial point: as long as you were not aware of your pregnancy at the time of booking, and you inform the cruise line about it 1-2 months before sailing, you may be able to cancel with little to no repercussion, depending on the cruise line’s policy. However, you can’t get back money from a nonrefundable deposit.

Can Medical Care Onboard a Cruise Deal With Pregnancy Complications?

When it comes to pregnancy and cruising, a common concern is the level of medical care available onboard. Yes, cruise ships are equipped with medical facilities, but it’s important to understand that these facilities are somewhat limited, especially in comparison to a full-scale hospital.

The medical facilities, on board, are not equipped to handle premature births or early infant care.

In the event of pregnancy complications, the onboard medical team is prepared to handle initial emergency care. However, for more critical situations, emergency disembarkation may be arranged to access comprehensive medical care on land.

This underscores the importance of cruising within a safe timeframe during your pregnancy.

pregnant woman consulting with a doctor

A practical consideration is the cost of onboard medical services. Typically, any costs incurred for medical care on a cruise ship require upfront payment. This is where travel insurance becomes highly recommended, especially for pregnant travelers. Not only does it ensure coverage for unforeseen medical expenses, but it also provides a safety net for trip cancellations due to non-medical reasons.

Tips for Cruising While Pregnant

happy pregnant woman looking at the ocean

Going on a cruise while pregnant can be a delightful experience, but it does require some special considerations. Here are some practical tips to help you navigate your cruise comfortably and safely:

  1. Check your travel insurance: Always inform your insurer about your pregnancy and check that your policy covers cruising during pregnancy. It’s better to be safe and ensure that all potential scenarios are covered.
  2. Pack acupressure wristbands: Pregnancy can intensify seasickness. Acupressure wristbands are a natural way to combat this, as traditional seasickness medications are often not recommended during pregnancy. Natural remedies like ginger biscuits can also be helpful.
  3. Check activity suitability: Be mindful of the activities you participate in. Activities like water slides or high-energy sports might not be suitable for pregnant women. Always read the activity restrictions before engaging.
  4. Choose the right drinks package: If your partner is opting for an alcoholic drinks package, consider asking the cruise line for a non-alcoholic alternative for yourself.
  5. Pack comfortable clothes: Comfort is key when you’re pregnant. Create a list of cruise essentials that will make your travel enjoyable. Pack elasticated trousers, loose dresses, and opt for flat, stable sandals over high heels, especially during times of rough seas.
  6. Plan excursions thoughtfully: Choose less physically demanding excursions like city tours over strenuous activities. This helps conserve your energy and keeps you comfortable throughout the trip.
  7. Make time for naps: Pregnancy can be tiring, so take advantage of cozy spots on the ship for naps. If traveling with older children, utilize the kids’ clubs to carve out some relaxation time for yourself.
  8. Keep medications handy: Always carry any necessary medications in your carry-on bag or purse. Having them easily accessible ensures you’re prepared for any sudden needs.
  9. Avoid communicable diseases: Being on a cruise ship means being in close quarters with many people. It’s crucial to practice good hygiene, like frequent handwashing, to minimize the risk of catching communicable diseases. This is especially important during pregnancy when your immune system is working for two.
  10. Be cautious of sun exposure: While basking in the sun might sound appealing, pregnant women need to be extra careful about sun exposure. Use sunscreen, stay hydrated, and seek shade to avoid overheating and sunburns.
  11. Consider your destinations: Before booking your cruise, think about the destinations. Some places might pose health risks, such as exposure to certain diseases or poor medical facilities. Always check travel advisories and consider these risks when planning your itinerary.
  12. Engage in relaxing activities: Take advantage of the relaxing activities offered on the ship. Enjoy spa treatments, watch shows, or spend leisurely time by the pool. These low-intensity activities are perfect for expectant mothers looking to unwind.
  13. Exercise caution with activities: It’s advisable to avoid high-intensity activities that might be strenuous during pregnancy. Also, be cautious in areas like the casino where there’s smoke or places with a lot of activity that might be overwhelming.
  14. Mind the slipping hazards: Cruise ships can have slippery decks and corridors. Be extra cautious to avoid slipping. Wearing non-slip footwear and taking your time as you move around the ship can help prevent falls.


Sailing into motherhood? Cruising while pregnant can be a breeze with the right knowledge. Always check your cruise line’s pregnancy policy and keep a doctor’s note handy. With these simple steps and a dash of caution, you’re set for a safe and serene sea adventure. So, future moms here’s to smooth sailing and joyful moments ahead. Bon voyage!


Are cruises safe while pregnant?

Cruises can be safe for pregnant women, but it’s essential to get clearance from your doctor prior to embarking on the cruise. Your doctor’s assessment ensures that your pregnancy condition aligns with the safety requirements of cruising. Additionally, if you’re prone to motion sickness or concerned about getting seasick, your doctor can advise on safe remedies during pregnancy. You should not be in or past your 24th week of pregnancy before the cruise departure date and some lines will even ensure that you are nowhere near the 24th week of pregnancy while on the ship.

Up to how many weeks pregnant can I cruise?

Most cruise lines have a policy that does not allow women who are past their 24th week of pregnancy or will reach it during the cruise, to board. This is to ensure the safety of both the mother and the baby. If you are visibly pregnant you will also need a physician’s letter stating that you are fit to cruise while pregnant.

Is a cruise OK for a babymoon?

Absolutely. Cruises make for a delightful babymoon choice. The convenience of food availability, like room service for those late-night cravings, coupled with the ease of planning, makes it an excellent relaxation option before advancing further into pregnancy.

Do I have to tell the cruise line I am pregnant?

Yes, informing the cruise line and its fleet medical department about your pregnancy is crucial due to the high risk of potential complications. Cruise lines are strict about this due to their limited onboard medical facilities. A physician’s medical statement is often required.